Papa's Blog — Covens
What Casting Is Best For You?
Posted by Full Moon on

Many of Papa's clients struggle with picking which casting is the best option for them because many of us have a few wishes and desires that we would like to take care of. As mentioned in the last blog it is best to have a separate casting for each wish as having multiple wants and needs in one casting will dilute the outcome. So what to do if you have three or more outcomes? Choose Multiple Castings If you have multiple wants and needs the most simple answer would be to choose multiple separate and tailored works that Papa...
How to Join and Advance In A Coven
Posted by full moon on
HOW A COVEN IS SET UP There is a large variety of levels within the Wiccan religion. There are largers portions such as the Arician Traditions, Northern Tradition, Albion Tradition, Ladywood Tradition, Aridian and Black Forest Clan, Gardnerian Wicca, Blue Star Wicca, and Covenant of the Goddess. All of these sects usually have a specific way that they will structure their coven. All of these covens follow their own structure as to not disturb the rhythm they have set for centuries. These rules may be written rules or they may be unspoken knowns inside each coven itself. After the large covens there are...
- Tags: Covens, Group Magick, Papa's Blog, Spell Casting