Papa's Blog
How to Join a Coven and Succeed at Magick
Posted by Full Moon on

HOW A COVEN IS SET UP There is a large variety of levels within the Wiccan religion. There are largers portions such as the Arician Traditions, Northern Tradition, Albion Tradition, Ladywood Tradition, Aridian and Black Forest Clan, Gardnerian Wicca, Blue Star Wicca, and Covenant of the Goddess. All of these sects usually have a specific way that they will structure their coven. All of these covens follow their own structure as to not disturb the rhythm they have set for centuries. These rules may be written rules or they may be unspoken knowns inside each coven itself. After the large covens there...
About Papa Crow's Rewards Program
Posted by Full Moon on

Here at Full Moon Magick Shoppe we have a new and exciting Rewards Program for our clients! It's simple and quick to sign up and start gaining rewards. To sign up click the link on the bottom right corner. It looks like this: Once you have clicked this simply "Create a Store Account" and gain 200 points immediately! Getting rewards is so simple and there are so many options. Like us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter and get 50 points for each! Have an upcoming birthday? Gain 200 Points for that. Happy Birthday! Join today and start getting huge savings towards...
Valentines Full Moon Casting
Posted by Full Moon on

Papa and his full coven would like you to join them in a powerful NINE NIGHT casting starting the night of the Full Moon, February 5th, through Valentines Day, February 14th, for a powerful combination of energy that will harness all the love magick needed for your specific desires! This will be a very powerful love spell that is only done once a year and this year is special as the Full Moon energies will also be cast into the totem!Reserve these powerful life changing energies below for only $179.95 and hurry fast as there is limited spaces available! Reserve Here
Different Casting Levels?
Posted by Full Moon on

Below is information about the different casting options that I have for most of my magickal items. SINGLE CASTINGExactly as it sounds, Papa Crow shall plan, personalize, and cast your spell one time creating a powerful change in the energy of the universe all to your benefit and goal.Before casting Papa shall be in touch via email to gather all of the information he needs to make your spell a success.You will be informed of the exact time of your spell casting, and both before and after the ritual Papa is of course available for your questions and concerns.TRIPLE...
A Bit About Papa Crow
Posted by Full Moon on

Papa Crow has been practicing powerful Voodoo and real Magick for about 44 years now with very successful results for many clients all around the world. He specializes in love, money, health, malehood enhancement, beauty, and so much more. Papa Crow can cast any type of magickal need you may have into any type of special totem like candles, voodoo dolls, blessed cloths, charms, spells, and even voodoo chicken feet. If you don't see something that is on the website you may easily Contact Papa to write about your specific needs. Papa Crow has the most powerful magick that is tailored to you and your personal desires, wants, and needs. Here at Full Moon Magick Shoppe...