Magick Of The Mountains
Posted by Full Moon on

As you may know Papa has been in the mountains for the past few days on a special casting retreat. I wanted to give a little insight on what is so special about the mountains and crafting magick in this setting.
Mountains Hold Energies Unseen Anywhere Else
The crisp and electric air of the mountains always bring higher energies into our castings. This is because there is so little human interaction that the natural wonders of our world can thrive without too much bother from us. Once you harness these energies they will be as powerful as ever.
I have a few days left here and wanted to offer a Triple Cast Mountain Magick Casting that is specifically crafted and cast by myself and my fellow practitioners on this retreat. We shall gather the energies of the mountains and create a powerful change for you and your needs. What is it that you may want changed?