How Can You Make Your Casting By Papa Work Best For You?
Posted by Full Moon on
One of the most common questions Papa Crow receives is how a client can make their casting be as powerful and life changing as possible. This is an understandable question as Papa knows you are putting your problems in his and the spirits hands. Voodoo and Spell casting are a potent and powerful means of releasing positive energies to increase luck, success, wealth, self improvement, etc. Papa Crow can bring decades of experience to castings of work in your honor and benefit. Below are a few simple guidelines Papa always tells his clients to get the BEST results with their works.
~ Patience is key
Once you have your first spell cast the excitement is definitely high and the foreseeable future is immense with positivity! Almost all of Papa's clients know that magick is not like in the movies and the changes are not with a snap of a finger. Did you know that when Papa's makes a powerful casting happen he is essentially offering the spirits the opportunity to help us with our worldly problems? This means that we must fall to their timeline and have patience. Most castings see results in three to six moon cycles. Faster results generally come to those who follow the guidelines for the best outcome and results. The spirits do our bidding and we aim to please them so they shall please us. This is a symbiotic relationship of sorts.
~ Positivity towards the casting
Staying positive towards the casting is what is needed for desired results. Papa has worked with hundreds of clients over the years and some have not gotten the exact desired results due to being negative. Some have questioned the spirits and once the spirits are questioned they are offended and withhold our desired outcomes. Worry not as I know once you read this article you shall know the ways to correctly handle your powerful casting. It is very simple. Stay positive. Do not drown yourself in worries if the magick shall work or not. Keeping positive and respecting the process is what makes for the most powerful results out there. Whether it takes three days or six months to get your desired outcome depends on the severity of change and YOUR attitude towards the casting. If we stay positive then all shall be what we want.
~ Focus on one or two changes
Papa has helped a few clients who expect too much from too little. For example let's say a client gets a Single Cast Blessed Banner and the client has four or five goals in mind. Usually we would strive for one single wish or goal to work on. Papa tries to let all clients know this is possible but the magick will be very weak once divided multiple times. Same goes for a Triple Coven Cast work. It will be more powerful than a Single Cast but each desire will be slightly less powerful if there are not separate castings. If you ever have more than three wants or needs contact Papa and he will work out a bundle deal for you so each casting will be just as powerful as intended!
~Doubt won't get us far
This last point may be one of the most important of all. Having doubts in the change or faith in the magick will surely put a pin in the desired results. This does go hand in hand with staying positive and keeping patient but Papa does feel it needs it's own reiteration because it is so important. We must not doubt the spirits or the magick. Having these negative thoughts shall offend the spirits that are helping us get what we want and desire. Without them we would not be able to harness the powerful energies that come with magick. They are the gatekeepers and we must respect that.
All in all if you follow these four simple guidelines your casting WILL go as planned and Papa shall work with you as long as it takes to get where we are wanting to go. Papa has helped hundreds, if not thousands, of clients over the years and wants to help YOU create the life you desire. If you have any questions be sure to contact Papa Crow with your questions.